A support platform and fellowship, SRVD.Vet helps deliver life-saving advice and guidance for service members, veterans and responders. Through courses that help to recognise, re-orientate and restart the lives of ex-service personnel who’ve lost their spirit of service.
Logo Re-Design
Communicate the sense of a brotherhood/guild.
Must have a bold, monoline look.
Incorporates a shield with no stars or stripes.
We had a challenge on our hands: creating a fresh symbol that had a bold, shield-like vibe, just as our client had envisioned. It was a solid starting point, and I knew exactly where I was headed.
I thought it'd be cool to sneak the letter 'S' from SRVD into the shield design. To my surprise, it fit perfectly within the existing logo's shape. This was a subtle nod to SRVD's journey ahead and made it easy for their current fans to spot them. As I kept working on the design, I noticed that the 'S' also looked a bit like the arrows you see on military patches. That just reinforced my belief that we had a strong design on our hands.
Full Logo construction
Alternative Logo Options
The SRVD brand was designed with a bold and vibrant colour palette to ensure a militarian feel. Nice beige and blue colours were used to represent SRVD, with a vibrant, contrasting orange to draw the eye to important elements.